Monday, January 3, 2011


Our show for December 22nd was on a more serious topic of Indoctrination. The dictionary will tell us that this word means “to instruct in a doctrine, principle, ideology, etc., esp. to imbue with a specific partisan or biased belief or point of view”. In this case, it would be the point of view of a Pimp.

Our guests today were Manolo Guillen, Dr. Sami and Nikki Jo Junker. Both Dr. Sami and Nikki have their own personal indoctrinated stories. Today’s show was incredibly powerful and revealed some truths about prostitution that you may not know.
Manolo is involved with the CSEC (Commecial Sexual Exploitation of Children).
Dr. Sami wrote her story in SCALDED: The Making and Undoing of an Extremist and also now counsels survivors and their families.
Nikki is a former prostituted youth who is now Executive Director and Cofounder of “With More Than Purpose”.

Dr. Sami’s story does not fit in with the “usual” mold, as she told us. She grew up in an “ordinary” middle class family, was very well educated and had everything she could want. She was very religious and had no sexual education. That would change however, as she became involved with a religious sex cult. This solidified two things for her – how to make her own way and how to use and manipulate people for what she wanted.

She used a person for relief, pleasure or a passing encounter, but because she was raised in a solid middle class background, she didn’t act out much. The seeds of the development were already laid down in her primary years however, because of learning to see people through commercials and other media. People were good for security, safety, a house, etc. She was being primed for a legalized lifestyle in prostitution.

Dr. Sami told us that not all sex was violent or horrible, although of course, that was present too at times. Money is spent beyond your wildest imagination….in makeup, in fashion. There is a nearly unbeatable addiction for power, sex and money. The power to manipulate sexually and in any way that can be done. She stresses that really in this situation, you are more powerless due to a pseudo sense of power. A lot of money is made but most of it is handed over to the Pimp.
Nikki shared with us that she was indoctrinated at age 17. She had started stripping to make money to go to school and was pursued by a man who visited the club. He won her over by acting like a romantic boyfriend who bought her things, took care of her money, gave her the male attention that she hadn’t had. Nikki was made to believe this was a serious relationship and they made future plans to open a business together. Her “boyfriend” told her that they needed more money and so introduced the idea of escorting to her. She eventually met the other girls in his tribe and was told they were ‘cousins’ or ‘friends’ and they all moved to Las Vegas. The relationship eventually revealed itself and her punishments included choking her until she passed out and then dunking her head in a toilet to wake her up – repeatedly – 10 or 15 times. When she eventually tried to leave she was struck on the head with a huge candle by one of the girls and her head was split open. She woke up in a pool of blood and luckily, left the business from there.

*Legalized Prostitution is not Fine. There is a LOT of emotional scarring. And it starts as early as age 11.

*You don’t have to be brought up in a poor or uneducated background to be indoctrinated.

*A Pimp will not necessarily come off as a Pimp. They may be of the ‘Finesse’ variety – the kind that will make a person feel falsely secure and safe by easing her in with promises of love and a future together. The other type of pimp is called a Guerilla pimp. These are more of the kidnapping and violent types from the get go.

*It is NOT easy to stop working in this industry. There is a lure that will bring many escaped women back on their own. If she can even get away by herself, there is also a strong threat of her pimp and female ‘family’ hurting her in any way to keep her from leaving. If a girl is arrested for prostitution, her pimp is usually the first one she calls because she has been groomed into thinking that he is the only one that she can trust to take care of her.

*The object is to dehumanize a girl. Beatings are frequently given to enforce this.

*Children are arrested many times when it is really the crime of the predatory johns, who usually walk away with a slap on the wrist. The Safe Harbor Act decriminalizes children in acts of prostitution.

*Immigrants are frequently forced into prostitution. The American girls are usually finessed into indoctrination.

This was an incredibly powerful and recommended interview that should be heard by teachers, parents and teenage girls.
You may contact Manolo and Dr. Sami at
Please check out the new 11 minute short education documentary created by Jim Ellis on Indoctrination.
And remember - no class, race, wealth or religious background is immune.

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